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What I do?


Change Management

Change processes shouldn’t come from the top. Behavioral change is the ultimate key to organizational change. You cannot change people, but individuals in an organization can change their behavior.


With sound approaches and interventions, in which management, staff, and stakeholders jointly foster constructive dialogue, new meanings can be constructed. Engaging these new meanings changes behavior, limits resistance to innovation, and delivers new results for your firm. 

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Employee Journey/Experience and Talent Development

How do you attract new talent, keep employees interested, inspired, and involved, and build a cohesive team that is committed to continuous self-development as well as the goals of the organization? My belief is that talent development goes hand in hand with organizational development. In keeping with this belief, I have developed an alternative to the traditional HR cycle involving training, performance, and appraisal. This novel design, turning on the ideas of employee experience and performance management can significantly contribute to the improvement of your business.




Internal Branding


The brand is the most powerful means that a company can use to engage and connect with customers emotionally. It is the icon that gives meaning to the company's services and products. 


Though it is already well established that the brand can be used to push the perception of the customer in a certain direction, it is less common for the brand to be used internally to engage and guide employees. Yet this internal orientation toward the brand can increase opportunities for a company to realize its ambitions in the market. I help organizations set up and implement an internal branding process.

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Stakeholder Dialogue

It is important to engage in significant dialogue with all stakeholders and translate the outcomes of this dialogue into practice, by changing management principles and methods. On the basis of various interventions, such as holding a brainstorming session about product and market innovations, or making a values photo, I initiate a meaningful dialogue with stakeholders and use it as a guide for implementing new company policies and business strategies.

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